Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Grand Canyon

Another favorite place for me is the Grand Canyon. I have been there many times and even been there in the winter with snow on the rim of the canyon. I have flown down in the canyon and walked down into the canyon, not all the way but I got a taste of it. I have been to the North Rim and the South Rim of the canyon. Here are a few pictures.

You can ride a mule down to the bottom and there is a motel ran by the Native Americans where you can stay. The wall of the canyon is pretty straight up and down as you can see. 

 Time for a break.

 Years ago there was a steam locomotive that took people out to the canyon. As you can see from the picture below it has been a while since it ran.

I was lucky enought to be there the day they reopened the railroad in 1985. This tree was cut down for the event. 

 People dress as they did back in the 1860's

 The governor of Arizona was on had to give a speech. 

The steam train was all reconditioned and looked great. Fun day!

The Forest Rangers were there too. 
Put it on your list of places to go.


  1. The Grand Canyon looks both majestic and scary. Kind of like a storm.

    1. It can be both. Storms with lightning are amazing. I have been there when there was snow on also.
