Monday, August 31, 2015

Farm Progress Show 2015

The weekend provided a great opportunity to get out doors and see the 2015 Farm Progress Show at the old Chanute Field. There were thousands of old pieces of farm equipment dating back to the early 1900's. Lots of action too with plowing and harvesting of crops. It comes to Rantoul every two years so mark your calendar for two years from now. 

There were some big tractors and this one was called Earthquake and it did shake the ground. It also was able to pull a 20 bottom plow. That means there were 20 plowshares in the ground at one time. That creates a lot of drag.
You can see the bottoms here, going through the field. The man is in control of the plow.

 1924 Steam powered tractor.
One of only seven in known to exist. See the small plow it is pulling.
Two row corn picker.
Small steam engine.

It was a lot of fun and, as always, I should have taken more pictures. This is a big one, too.
 These two old boys were having a good time looking around.
 Great looking old Alice-Chalmers tractor. 

This is the true definition of "horse power."
Make it a date in two years to go check it out.

1911 Steam engine.


  1. I believe this was the Half Century of Progress show in Rantoul, IL. The Farm Progress Show is Labor Day weekend in Decatur.

  2. So glad to get a comment. I have had a hard time learning how to work the site regards comments. Good to see everyone at the garage. Half Century show is correct, great fun.

    1. It was great to see you! You might have seen my son, Dylan at the Half Century show. He was at the gate helping check people in.
