Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Utah Parks

Southern Utah is a dramatic, colorful, and fun place to visit. 

Check out a map to see where this is located.

Picktographs from the early Native Americans. 

Amazing rock formations all along the drive. 

Never a dull moment, do you see the power pole in the picture.

Check out the rich colors.

An old one room country school house.

Got to love the scenery.

Pretty dry place as you can see from the vegetation.

I was there on my bike once. 

Very remote!

Another great park.

Lots of color here!

Even snow in July.

You can even go through the rocks. 

How about this, a gas station in a rock. I went in there to pay for the gas for my bike.

I couldn't pass up the bakery.

Want to climb that sand pile.

Try to get out to southern Utah someday.

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