Friday, May 29, 2015

May 30th

School is out for another school year and I am retired. I had the greatest send-off given to me by the great students. I was brought to tears several times and enjoyed all of their wonderful well-wishes. What a great group of kids. Tomorrow is Day 1 of retirement and I have lots to do. Friends are giving me a party/cook-out with other friends in the neighborhood. I hope it doesn't rain. I will miss the kids and plan to go back next year to sub when they need me. I need to download some pictures of the great time. Enjoy summer!

Monday, May 18, 2015

Counting down!

Just 7 days of class and one day of teacher institute and I will be free to create a new chapter in my life. I have had many jobs (61) and many friends around the country so it is time to visit some of them again. There is a lot to be learned from friends and lots of places to see. I enjoyed my days on the big road in the big rig.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Travel time is about to begin

A new chapter in my adventure to discover the wonders of this land. I retire from teaching this month and plan on a new path to explore. Pictures are 2014 Colorado and camped at Great Sand Dunes National Monument.